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Anyone can donate for my independent research and music here


pediatrician specialist medical doctor (MD) with Ph.D in course at “Titu Maiorescu” University (Bucharest, Romania)

(independent researcher, reviewer, translator and publisher)

Bucharest, Romania


(personalized integrated medicine of children --
personalized allopathic and natural pediatrics


(my general personal page)

(my Orcid ID 0000-0002-2261-1350)

(my Research Gate account)

(my account)

(my Publons & ResearchID & WebOfScience & Clarivate & InCite common account with
Web of Science ResearcherID P-8724-2018)

(my Google Scholar account)

(my musical composing account on SMP)




My extended family has had and still has relatively many doctors, with me being part of its 2nd generation of physicians: I was inevitably (and deeply!) influenced and guided from my childhood in the mysteries of biology in general and then attracted almost magnetically to human medicine, the science that has ... the honor to study and repair a possibly divine creation, the human being. I graduated the General Medicine Faculty of the University of Medicine and Pharmacy ("UMF") "Carol Davila" Bucharest [URL2] in 2007 and I chose Pediatrics as my specialization field: I have completed my pediatrics residency in 2013 at the Clinical Emergency Hospital for Children “Marie S. Curie” [URL2]. During my pediatrics residency I’ve learned a lot about children and their acute and chronic physical and mental health problems. In the following years, as a pediatrician specialist, I have gained experience in serious clinical cases (including children with relatively rare and very rare diseases). I am particularly interested in pediatric nephrology, gastroenterology (including pediatric gastroesophageal reflux disease [URL2], diabetes mellitus and other nutritional diseases [URL2]) and pediatric pneumology. The experience of recent years has also brought me closer to pediatric cardiology, rheumatology, neurology (gaining experience in the diagnosis and treatment/management of Duchenne and Becker muscular dystrophies) and pediatric psychiatry (and psychology). I also created various medical software (among which an Electronic Pediatrician (EPed)”) that helped me in all these directions.

In the summer of 2017, as a speaker at the Medical Symposium of Sika Medical Hospital, I gave a presentation on gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) in children: this presentation can be downloaded in pdf format via link1(RG) and link2(

Also, in my recent years of pediatric practice, I have initiated independent research in nutritional genomics (aka “nutrigenomics”), which is a relatively new medical subdomain that deals with the study of molecules in foods (and dietary supplements) that have the potential to positively influence the regenerative and auto-regulatory capabilities of human cells (down to the DNA/RNA level), especially NRF2 selective activators [URL2]. The ionized medical waters (ASEA redox supplement (ARS), kangen, etc.) also drawn my attention, as they have some special (and very appreciated!) physical, chemical and biological properties which makes them good candidates for many protocols in the future official medicine (including pediatrics and especially preventive pediatrics, a medical branch with great importance).

(1) On May 2018, I've published the first documented medical case (worldwide) about the remarkable effects of ARS ("ASEA") on a ~3-year old boy with Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) (for the main article published in the international peer-reviewed CJBRT see: link1a, link1b, link1c [CJBRT], link2 [RG], link3 [Academia], link4 [Vixra], link5 [GSJournal]; for the addendum-like preprint with DOI 10.13140/RG.2.2.23141.76002 presenting periodic updates on this 1st ARS-treated DMD case see: link1 [RG]; for the older preprint, see link1 [RG], link2 [Academia], link3 [Vixra] si link4 [GSJournal]).

(2) On 30th August 2019, I've published the second documented medical case (worldwide) about the remarkable effects of ARS ("ASEA") on a 5-year old boy with Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) (for the preprint article with DOI 10.13140/RG.2.2.18399.41128, see: link1[RG], link2 [Academia], link3 [Vixra].

(3) On 24th May 2020, I've published the third documented medical case (worldwide) about the remarkable effects of ARS ("ASEA") on another 3-year old boy with Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) (for the preprint article with DOI 10.13140/RG.2.2.26419.99367, see: link1[RG], link2 [Academia], link3 [Vixra], link4 [GSJ].

(4) On 9th November 2019, I was invited as a lecturer at the Medical Days of Râmnicu Sărat (town) [URL2(FB), URL3(FB), URL4(YT), URL5(TV), URL6(Google)], a conference where I briefly presented the vast field of redox medicine, the ASEA dietary supplement, but also part of my clinical cases in which I used ASEA as a single treatment or as adjuvant to allopathic treatment: the Microsoft PowerPoint presentation (launched at this event and later converted to pdf format) can be downloaded via link1(RG) and link2(

(5) In August 2020, I have also published on my Wikipedia public page/account (but also in a separate session of Wikipedia discussions/”Talk”) a complete list of my papers on Asea and Asea in DMD: URL-Wiki, URL-WikiTalk1, URL-WikiTalk2 (URLs which correspond to the Wikipedia page dedicated to Asea LLC company and „Asea” product), WikiTalkIPVariabil.


In my daily work, I put a lot of emphasis on the preventive component of pediatrics, which should be a priority for all doctors and patients alike. I am guided by Christian principles in both my medical practice and in my everyday life and I believe that all patients - and especially children - deserve an integrative approach so that to help them find the best preventive and/or curative treatments (predominantly natural and minimal allopathic).


I have published online over 150 papers until present, from which 38 papers on medicine (and biology in general): a list of these papers can be downloaded in pdf format from this link/URL.


A list of claimed world premieres/priorities in medicine, mathematics, physics and music can be downloaded from this link.


A short… musical self-presentation and a list of my representative musical works can be downloaded from this link.


I have published online 18 volumes until present (2 vol. on physics, 1 vol. on math, 1 vol. of literature and 14 volumes of musical sheets)

(one may also download the pdf version of this list):

  1. (Bucharest, 2017) The gravito-informational significance of the fine structure constant: - implications in a four fields unification pattern at Planck scale and the existence of life forms in our universe [] [] [] [preprint] [article] [Drăgoi; PSIJ, 15(3): 1-19, 2017; Article no.PSIJ.34613]


  1. (Targoviste, 2021) SUSYA – a SUSY alternative based on a newly proposed electro-gravitational seesaw mechanism applicable to all elementary particles [] [article] [brief]


  1. (Targoviste, 2021) The "Vertical" Generalization of Goldbach’s Conjecture – An Infinite Class of Conjectures Stronger than Goldbach’s: a personal contribution in number theory [] [Vixrapedia] [article] [article (2)]


  1. (Targoviste, 2020) My Soul, Your Highness! (small volume of "said-and-dones") (my literary debute volume containing poetries and prose written around the age of 20) [free pdf] [free pdf (2)]


  1. (worldwide, 2021) My Chamber Music - vol. I ("Synapses") [content]


  1. (worldwide, 2021) My Chamber Music - vol. II ("Angelic and demonic") [content]


  1. (worldwide, 2021) My Chamber Music - vol. III ("The Botanical Garden")) [content]


  1. (worldwide, 2022) My Chamber Music - vol. IV ("Effigies") [content]


  1. (worldwide, 2021) My Symphonic Music - vol. I ("The Escape from Myself") [content]


  1. (worldwide, 2021) My Symphonic Music -vol. II ("Musical Reveries") [content]


  1. (worldwide, 2022) My Symphonic Music -vol. III ("Piano Concerto in C minor") [content]


  1. (worldwide, 2022) My Symphonic Music -vol. IV ("Violin Concerto in E minor") [content]


  1. (worldwide, 2021) My Piano Solo Music - volume I ("A Musical Rainbow") [content]


  1. (worldwide, 2021) My Piano Solo Music - volume II ("Love Stories and Other Wonders") [content]


  1. (Bucharest, 2012) Guitar album – vol. 1, 2nd edition  (1st edition published in 2009) [content]


  1. (Bucharest, 2012) Guitar album – vol. 2, 1st edition [content]


  1. (Bucharest, 2016) Multi-Instrumental album – vol. 1, 1st edition [content]


  1. (worldwide, 2021) A sketch-version of a unifying beginners' cost-effective METHOD for any fretted string instrument [content] [content (2)]



Anyone can donate for dr. Dragoi’s independent research, publishing and original music at:



My main site (created by my own) is WWW.DRAGOII.COM (which automatically redirects to WWW.DR.DRAGOII.COM, which is a pasteboard-like site)

I’ve also designed multiple secondary sites to inform the general public about various medical conditions:


1. (a website dedicated to the latest advances in the study of NRF2 activators and nutrigenomics)

2. ( (a website dedicated to the latest advances in the study of redox molecules therapy [stabilized oxidant and reductive free radicals] with a strong selective NRF2 activation effect) (which therapy can be considered a nutrigenomic therapeutic tool with great perspectives and very large potential applicability)

3. (a website dedicated to kangen water and to alkaline ionized waters in general, waters with strong reductive properties, so that they may be also considered a great potential therapeutic tool of  nutrigenomics)

4. (a site dedicated to “green” juices, with multiple health benefits for children and adults; also a valuable tool of nutrigenomics);


5. (a website dedicated to the latest advances in the diagnosis and treatment of children with autism)

6. (a website dedicated to the latest advances in the diagnosis and treatment of children with ADHD)


7. (a website dedicated to the latest advances in the diagnosis and treatment of children and adults with diabetes mellitus)

8. (a website dedicated to the latest advances in the diagnosis and treatment of overweight and obese children and adults)

9. (a website dedicated to the latest advances in the diagnosis and treatment of children and adults with malignancies [cancer])

10. (a website dedicated to the latest advances in the diagnosis and treatment of children and adults with HIV / AIDS)

11. (a website dedicated to the latest advances in the diagnosis and treatment of children and adults with Down syndrome)

12. (a website dedicated to the latest advances in the diagnosis and treatment of children and adults with neurological disorders)

13. (a medical website with notions of pediatrics and general medicine, useful medical links, etc.)

14. (a website dedicated to the latest advances in cell biology)

15. (a website dedicated to the latest advances in the neuroscience of music and music psychology)


My CVs can be viewed and downloaded from the following web links:

1.     CV_dr.Dragoi_(in Romanian) (3+2 pages) (

2.     CV_dr.Dragoi_(in English and Research Gate [RG] format) (

3. (standard CV in Ejobs format)

4. (standard CV in BestJobs format)

5.     LinkedIn (LinkedIn professional account, outdated)





2)    OCLC Worldcat Identities (WCI) [What is WCI?]

a.      [VBGC article]

b.     [FSC article]

c.       [FSC book] [Amazon]

d.     [DVTM article]










4)    Vixra

5)    Google Academic/Scholar

6)    ORCID (0000-0002-2261-1350)

7)    Kudos

8)    Vixrapedia: [VBGC] [KlenckRO] [KlenckEN] [OrchMediciRO] [OrchMediciEN]

9)    Wikipedia [URL2]

10) (author and reviewer account)



1. (SE musical catalog with scores and audio files)

2. (SMP musical catalog with scores and audio files)

3.     Integrated musical catalog ( (pdf file with weblinks to scores and audio files)

4. (my online 3D database with some of my music)

5.     MuseScore (personal music page)

6.     IMSLP (personal music page)




1.     Vladimir Dragoi –MD dentist

2.     Janina Dragoi - kinesiotherapist

3.     Elena Dragoi – profesional graphician artist (traditional and digital graphics, including medical graphics)




1)    Academia

2)    Andrei

3)    Android

4)    BioInfoDigitalUniverseModel(BIDUM)

5)    Cell Biology and Music Biology&Psychology

6)    Bruno Groening (a remarkable German healer)

7)    Remarkable books

8)    The Romanian Constitution

9)    Ecology

10) Christian „miracles”

11) Film

12) Photography

13) The National „Colectiv” Group (NCG/GCN)

14) Inventions

15) IT

16) Motivationals and inspirationals

17) Non-self music collection

18) Self music collection

19) PSI phenomenon (Parapshycology)

20) Science

21) Various (medical and non-medical) Advices

22) News

23) The Vertical Binary Goldbach Conjecture (VBGC/VGC)




1)    Integrated medicine

2)     Integrated pediatrics

3)    Christianity

4)    Arsenie Boca (a well-known Romanian Orthodox priest)

5)    Saint Mary’s apparition in Fatima (Portugal)

6)    Saint Mary’s apparition in Zeitoun (Cairo, Egypt)

7)    Saint Mary’s apparition in Damascus (Syria)

8)    Children

9)    Personal projects

10) PSI phenomena (parapsychology)

11) Theo-meritocratic democracy

12) My own musical compositions

13) My own Guitar Scores Album (1st volume)

14) My own Guitar Scores Album (2nd volume)

15) My own Piano Scores Album (1st volume)

16) My own Poli-instrumental scores Album (1st volume)

17) BIDUM (A Bio-Info-Digital Universe Model)

18) ASEA

19) The Life-before-life syndrome

20) Synesthesia

21) Sexology

22) Visual arts

23) Android

24) Humanitarian causes

25) Useful

26) Love

27) Perfect melodies

28) The Piano

29) The Guitar

30) The triadic reasoning

31) Phylosophy

32) Politics

33) Universal music

34) Romanian music

35) International music

36) Psychology

37) Movies

38) Musical scores

39) Musical instruments

40) Clinical death

41) Books

42) The National “Colectiv” Group (NCG/GCN)


Copyright 2018-2021©Andrei Lucian Drăgoi (Dragoi);

Website last updated on: 16.03.2021